Sunday, February 10, 2013

New Release - Companions

Hey friends!  Here's our latest addition to our growing selection of couples poses just in time for valentines day.

You mat notice the permissions are different on this pose than the rest, but bear with me, an upcoming announcement will answer any questions you may have.

Companions is available on the marketplace, or in-world at our brandy-new main store!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

New Release - Moments

Hey friends! Here's our newest pose released this past Wednesday  I'd like to get back into regularly releasing poses maybe once or twice a week but haven't figured out a release day, so they might be all over the place right now. 

You mat notice the permissions are different on this pose than the rest, but bear with me, an upcoming announcement will answer any questions you may have.

Moments is available on the marketplace, or in-world at our brandy-new main store!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Grand Re-Opening - 50% Off Sale

Well friends, we've been gone a long time, but Mannequin Poses is back in full force keeping busy with some exciting upcoming releases! 

To celebrate our re-opening, we are having a 50% off sale on selected poses in-world. Click the poster to TP and check out our brand new main store.

The sale is on until Saturday, so come by and check it out, or stop by to say hello! 

In addition to all the excitement going on, we're also happy to announce the re-opening of Mannequin on the Second Life Marketplace! 

Our entire inventory is available so you have the ability to gift poses if need be.

We appreciate your support and those of you that have stuck with us since the beginning.